COMPASS is a student project in which students develop
and construct a small CubeSat satellite. About 30 students are currently working on the development of the necessary subsystems, such as structure,
position control, power supply, thermal household or the communication module.
COMPASS-2 is a tripple CubeSat, whose central unit contains
all the subsystems of a satellite.
In the two outer units
the scientific experiments and payloads can be integrated. The central CubeSat unit is designed as a universal satellite bus, so that
it can be used for further experiments
and satellite missions. One of
the two outer units COMPASS-2 has
a deployable drag sail, which accelerates the re-entry
of the satellite at the end of its life, so that the satellite used to burn up in
Earth's atmosphere much earlier as other CubeSats. Space
debris will be avoided and the
valuable infrastructure of low earth orbit will be protected.
The other payload cube
contains innovative, deployable thin-film
solar cells which will be unfold in space and then
tested under space conditions.
In cooperation with the FHprofUnt project "Drag
Sail - CubeSat" subsystems are developed and provided the "know-how" for a successful mission, with the aim of a mission
start in early 2015.
The project offers numerous
opportunities to participate, free
of employees up
to the Bachelor's and Master's work,
anything is possible.
Current information can be found on our Facebook page.